Cible Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why Everybody Should Be Making Money Online

When you tell people stories of making money while you sleep with no effort, a vast majority look at you with extreme scepticism and even contempt for wasting their time and trying to “con” them. Factually most people also know that it is true that you can make online with no effort while you sleep say by trading the markets, selling goods on eBay or even making money from various means on your own website. However, this is generally dismissed or explained by these same people as for only the super intelligent, the overly technical, crazy or just plain lucky people.

I am here to tell you that not only is most of this downright lies but you would be severely short changing yourself and your family if you did not invest a significant portion of your endeavours online and I am not necessarily talking about money. Currently approximately 10% of all sales of goods and services occur online and that number is growing fast. Now you may say well that is great but what does that mean for me and those figures are spouted by people all the time and they sort of become a blur after a while. That is true statistics these days can be manipulated to tell any story you like but I will give you some real examples to put this into context.

In terms of goods and services sales there is more happening at eBay than anywhere else on the planet even if you combine store groups together like Wal-Mart and its subsidiaries in the US or the Coles Myer or Woolworths groups here in Australia. It equates to about $1,640US sales every second which is about US$14.2 million in sales every day. If you break this down further just for Australia, a car is old every 1 minutes, a DVD every 30 seconds and an item of women’s clothing every 14 seconds. Can you imagine if Big W store sold 2,880 DVDs a day or about 6,000 items of clothing. If they could manage that many sales they wouldn’t need to sell anything else! Currently about 53,000 Australia have eBay as either their primary or secondary form of income and about 35,000 businesses use it as their secondary stream of revenue. In total 20% of the entire adult population of Australia is a member of eBay which is about 3 million people.

I hope that put things into context for you and made it is easier to visualise in your head. Contrary to what you may be thinking this is not an article to laud eBay or even too necessarily to convince you to start selling there. Given those massive figure, eBay sales still fits into that 10% of all sales I mentioned earlier. Remember there are huge sites like Amazon and search engine giants like Google and Yahoo who also fit within that 10%, let alone all the other larger, medium and smaller players. If nothing else this should illustrate for you how massive an opportunity it is out there and that we are really still only in its infancy even with all those impressive numbers. Cast your mind back just 10 years ago and most of these companies I mentioned didn’t even exist let alone the market itself.

Unfortunately I don’t have enough space here to go into extreme detail about what you can do step by step but I will give you a brief overview and if you want more information go to Did you know that you can get an entire book written for you for less than a $100 which you have full rights to sell? Did you know that you can get companies like Google, eBay and Amazon to send you cheques? Did you know with an Australian site like not only can you offer items for sale on LayBy with someone else managing the process for you for free but you can make money when other people list items for sale and also when you buy items? Did you know you can make more money online with no stock or payment handling of your own just selling other peoples great products? The list goes on and on and as I mentioned about all these things are that it takes little time, little money and requires no technical knowledge at all. The truth is that unlike real estate, share trading and business, this requires a lot less knowledge and far less money to get started and is easier and requires less time and effort to do anything.


Chris JacobLetti Blog98699
Conversion Blog5469

How To Install SharePoint 2007 Beta 2

Following are the detailed instructions on how to install SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 on a clean version of Windows 2003. These instructions were done by completing the installation on a Virtual Server 2005 machine that was NOT joined to a domain. I have seen a lot of articles that say the server has to be joined to a domain but that is not a requirement. Below are the detailed installation instructions for SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 on Windows 2003 using SQL Server 2005 on the same machine:

Install Windows 2003 and update the machine with the latest Services Packs and hotfixes from Microsoft by using the "Windows Update" utility.

Create a local machine account to run SQL Server and SharePoint with. Make sure that this account is set to be an administrator on the local machine and that it is set to not have the password expire or to change the password on the first login.

* If you are doing the installation on a server joined to a domain you can use a domain account that is set as an administrator on the local machine

* To create a new local machine account go to Start and right click on "My Computer". Select "Manage" from the list that appears and the "Computer Management" snap-in appears. Expand "Local Users and Groups" and right click on the "Users" folder. Select "New User" and fill in the appropriate information.

Insert the SQL Server 2005 into the machine and make sure that "Autoplay" is enabled so the initial installation screen appears.

From the initial screen select "Choose to Install components"

Click the "Accept terms" checkbox on the license screen that appears and then click "Next"

Click "Install" on the next screen that appears.

Once the process to install "Native Client and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 setup support files" has completed click "Next".

Scanning of the system hardware will occur next.

On the screen that appears after the hardware scan is complete click "Next".

When the system configuration check has completed click "Next".

On the registration page enter the Name, Company and product key and click "Next".

Select the components that should be installed.

You will need SQL Server Database Services, Workstation and Client components; and may want to install Books Online and development tools.

You can click the "Advanced" button and select the specific components that you would like to install. Click "Next".

Click "Default instance name" checkbox on the instance name screen and click "Next".

On the next screen choose what account will run SQL Server 2005. Specify the information for the domain/local account you created earlier to run SQL Server in the appropriate boxes. Make sure the "Use a domain user account" radio button is checked.

Click SQL server and SQL Server Agent check boxes at the bottom of the screen. Click "Next".

On the next screen choose to use Mixed Mode authentication. You can change this after the SharePoint setup is complete.

On the collations screen leave the defaults and click "Next".

On the "Error and Usage Report Settings" screen leave the defaults and click "Next".

On the "Ready to Install" screen click "Install".

The setup process will run and you will see the setup progress screen.

When the setup completes click "Next". Then click "Finish".

Set the Sharepoint account that you created earlier, it can be the same account that is used to run SQL Server, to be have Database Creator, sysadmin and security admin rights on SQL server.

Next install Windows Workflow extensions. You will need to make sure that it is version 3807.7 build or higher.

The 3807.7 version can be downloaded here: You need to make sure that you install the Runtime Components download that is appropriate for your system if you dont have Visual Studio 2005 installed on your machine.

Double click on the install file for Windows Workflow.

Click "Ok" on the license screen that appears.

Install IIS on the sever and make sure ASP 2.0 is installed on IIS. If you are not sure you can run the aspnet_regiis I from within the 2.0 folder. The default install location is C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V2.0.50727.

* To install IIS on the server go to the "Control Panel" and double click on "Add\Remove Programs". Click on "Add/Remove Windows Components" and in the window that appears check the box next to "Application Server".

Highlight "Application Server" and click on the "Details" button. Make sure that the check boxes next to "ASP .NET" and "Internet Information Services (IIS)" are checked. Click OK and then click "Next".

Insert the SharePoint 2007 Beta 2 disk into the server.

If the disk doesn't autoplay, run setup.bat on the disk.

Enter the product key on the appropriate screen. Click "Continue".

Click the check box that you except the terms of use. Click "Continue".

You will need to choose if you are going to install SharePoint 2007 as standalone single server, this will install SQL Desktop Express, or the advanced version which can be for a single server or a server farm.

You will need SQL Server 2000 SP3 or SQL Server 2005 for the Advanced version. We will do the advanced version in this process on SQL Server 2005. Click "Advanced".

On the next screen you can choose from three options. We will be installing on a single server and SQL Server 2005 so we will choose the first options "Complete Intall all components. Can add servers to form a SharePoint farm." because the last option will install the desktop database engine which we dont want to install. On the file location tab you can pick the installation location on the server.

Click "Install Now".

Make sure the "Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now." is checked and click "Close".

When the Configuration Wizard appears click "Next".

Click "Yes" on the pop-up window that appears about restarting services on the server.

Click the "No, I want to create a new server farm" as we dont have an existing 2007 SharePoint installation.

On the Specify Configuration Database settings screen specify the name of the server. If you used above the options above in the SQL Server setup this will be the name of the server you are installing SharePoint 2007 on.

Leave the configuration database name as it is.

Enter the username and password of the account that you created earlier in the setup process.

Click "Next".

Leave the default options on the screen that appears and click "Next".

On the next screen that appears click "Next".

Sharepoint will then complete 9 configuration tasks.

Once the tasks are completed you will be redirected to the Sharepoint Administration page.

Click to install Sharepoint 2007.doc to download the word document version of these instructions.

Jason Fortner is co-founder of Total Productivity Solutions. Total Productivity Solutions is an Atlanta based compan that provides custom SharePoint, webpart and .NET development; and solutions to common software development issues are also provided on the site.Johnny Blog88988
Invite Blog21023

Common Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Many people today suffer from a type of arthritis known as rheumatoid arthritis. Statistics show that as many as 2.1 million Americans (or one percent of the population) suffer from this disease. About three times as many women as men are affected by rheumatoid arthritis. There is no cure for this disease, which causes an inflammation of the lining (also known as the synovium) of the joints. However, a combination of exercise, joint protection techniques, self-management techniques, and medication can help rheumatoid arthritis suffers lead a happier and healthier life.

When the joint lining becomes inflamed because of rheumatoid arthritis, it can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. Because of those symptoms, people may lose function of the area affected. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the small joints of the feet and hands first. Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect glands (such as the tear and salivary) and the lining of the heart and lungs. Symptoms include joint pain, swelling, warmth, stiffness, and overall fatigue. Joints may feel tender and you may even run a small fever. Stiffness in the joints often lasts more than 30 minutes after waking in the morning. Because of the pain and discomfort, people with rheumatoid arthritis may also have trouble sleeping. Symptoms may also be worse when getting up after resting.

About 25% of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis will develop small bumps under the skin. These bumps, known as rheumatoid nodules, are not normally painful. They may develop at the elbow, back of the scalp, or on the knees, hands, feet, or heels. The size of the nodules can range from pea size to that of a walnut.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can come and go in severity. Increased activity in the symptoms is known as flares or flare-ups. During these times, the disease is more active. This can lead to joint damage that often results in disability. Those with severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis can have active periods that last for years.

Rheumatoid arthritis consists of three stages:

1. Stage 1 involves the swelling of the lining, which causes pain, warmth, and stiffness around the joint.

2. In Stage 2, the cells of the lining rapidly grow and divide, causing the lining to thicken.

3. The cells release enzymes in Stage 3 that eat into the bone and cartilage. This can cause the joint to be misshaped, causing further pain and loss of function.

Getting an early diagnosis for rheumatoid arthritis allows for a good prognosis for living a productive life. When diagnosed early, doctors can prescribe an aggressive treatment therapy that can limit the damage done to joints. This will give you better function of the joints affected and help avoid later medical costs and loss of movement. Studies show that just 24 months of undiagnosed rheumatoid arthritis can do serious damage to the joints.

Doctors are not certain what causes rheumatoid arthritis. It is, however, an autoimmune disease. This means the bodys immune system does not act as it should, but rather attacks the joint tissues. Doctors believe that rheumatoid arthritis can be hereditary, meaning it runs in families. Scientists have pinpointed genes found in the immune system that may determine whether you have rheumatoid arthritis, but sometimes people who have those genes never develop rheumatoid arthritis.

There are many steps to diagnosing someone with rheumatoid arthritis. The doctor will look at your medical history. He will ask questions such as Do you have stiffness in the morning? and When is the pain most severe? Based on the series of questions, the doctor may be able to determine if you have rheumatoid arthritis, but he may also rely on the results from a physical exam. The physical exam may show joint swelling, loss of motion, and misalignment.

He may also order lab tests such as a blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibodies. He may order x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an ultrasound of the joints, and a bone densitometry study (DEXA). Using all these tools, the doctor should be able to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis then develop a management plan.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a debilitating disease, but today more than ever, there are treatments and medication that can make living with the disease much easier.

Dr. Beth Paxton is a family physician and educator on common health issues today's family faces, and how to prevent and deal with the health concerns such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. Blog26236
Macintosh Blog63806

Are Data Entry from Home Programs Scams?

Are Work from home data entry programs Scams? This is the question asked by thousands of people who are looking to join data entry work at home. The problem arises because ordinary internet users fail to distinguish between traditional data entry and online pay per click marketing data entry programs. Though most of the online data entry programs explicitly tell on their sale pages that the data entry opportunity is about ad word compaigns.

Work from home data entry programs may not make you a million dollars in a week but you can certainly work your way up to making a comfortable living and perhaps even more than that if you play your cards right. You will be amazed by the scope of this simple, genuine and result-oriented opportunity. The subscription cost for these data entry at home programs is just $49 which is not a big deal, keeping in mind the scope they offer.

Data entry Impartial Review has put this question before qualified Consumer Advisors to offer their expert advice. The analysis provided by impartial reviews about home based data entry programs is based on opinion of Consumer Advisors and more than 10,000 consumers.

Traditional Data Entry VS Online Pay Per Click Data Entry Campaigns

Traditional data entry from home involves secreterial work which can be medical transcription or simple data entry for offshore companies. These jobs can pay anything from $10 to $15 per hour. People normally search for online jobs which are related to traditional data entry from home. Job Search engine is very good website to find these kind of jobs.

On the other hand, data entry which involves preparing PPC campaigns is altogether a differnt role. This fast emerging opportunity offers unlimited potential to earn huge commissions. These data entry from home programs provide step by step guidance to their subscribers to set up their online data entry campaigns. Affiliate programs pay upto 75% per sale to their members. There is huge margin of profit and thousands of companies to choose from. Most of these data entry at home programs teach about Google adwords and yahoo marketing.

Best Data Entry programs include Data Entry Bank and Home Data Typers. They are both top ranked on Click Bank the online market place. They are by far better than other programs available and offer real value for money.

Asad Mahmood is a qualified consumer advisor. In this article he has expressed his views about online data entry programs.Bruno Blog47241
Damien Blog64106

Tips For Buying Solid Surface Countertops

Solid surface kitchen countertops have come a long way since the days when laminate was king. The combination of usability and design set a tone and a standard. Be it the classic elegance of granite or wood, a colorful solid surface or laminate, or the sleek feel of stainless steel, solid surface kitchen countertops abound with options.

With hundreds of options for solid surface countertops and kitchen surfaces, there are four main points to focus on:

- how long the kitchen countertops should last
- how durable they will be
- difficulty of the install
- how costly

Durable solid surface kitchen countertops typically carry a ten year limited warranty. If you plan to be in your current house for years to come, solid surface countertops may be your best choice.

Damage and stain resistance features insure your countertops will remain beautiful for many years. Elaborate edge treatments, unique inlays, coved backsplashes and integral sinks provide an infinite array of custom touches

The difficulty level to install will be determined by yourself and the countertops installer. A professional kitchen or bathroom countertops installer will provide all the details for you to make an informed decision for your remodeling project.

Cost, though not necessarily the most important factor, always plays a part in your final decision.


Once youve determined that solid surface countertops are the best choice for you, youll want to pick the best type for your kitchen. This can be a difficult task with so many options to choose from. To help with these decisions, I always recommend following this pattern:

-Pick your material
-Pick your colors
-Pick your features

First, select the material to use. Obviously, the material will determine limitations on the colors and features you can select. (I havent seen many purple colored stainless steel kitchens lately).

Once you have your material, now select your color scheme. The most important factor color will have on your kitchen is the mood. Research on line how colors affect a persons mood. Using this information, and your personal preferences, youll be able to select the right color for your countertops.

Finally, select your features. Think about what is necessary for the functionality of the kitchen, and what are desires. Perhaps you need a large backsplash,, or a cutout for a drain, etc.

Do your homework, and the solid surface countertops you select will be the highlight of your kitchen.

Damion Rutherford is the Online Marketing Manager for OFfering free referrals to find the best kitchen remodeling company for your needs.Digital Blog11735
Lazare Blog78789

Dating Advice: Dont Let Her Hurt Your Feelings

Part of being a real man and not falling into the nice guy friend zone is not letting her hurt your feelings easily. Never let her think she hurt your feelings or struck a nerve with you even when she actually does. Just like the age old saying goes, "Never let em see you sweat". When she knows she can hurt your feelings with her words she'll see that as insecurity. And when you really examine it, it is insecurity.

Women can make some really belittling comments without realizing it and sometimes purposely to strike a nerve and test you. That's right; women will actually use these belittling comments to see if you can take it. It's a test to see how much of a man you are. They usually don't even realize they are doing this kind of thing to test us, but make no mistake about it - IT'S A TEST. If you are secure enough in yourself, there's nothing to feel hurt about. You are sure of yourself and nothing she can say or do can bring you down.

The next time a woman says or does anything that hurts your feelings, remember to BE A MAN and let it roll off your shoulders. This doesnt mean that you shouldn't express yourself when she does or says something disrespectful. You can call her out without letting her know it hurt your feelings.

Spencer MichaelsJessica Blog63216
Kevina Blog71696

Gardenias And Their Care

There are a lot of people out there that have no luck with growing gardenias but then there are still those few that have very good luck with growing gardenias. Sounds to me like you have some magic powers when it comes to growing plants. At least when it comes to plants that no one else can grow. Let's first agree that although these Gardenia flowers sparkle like moondust with their pure white petals, although they send off a thick unforgettable fragrance so enchanting it goes right into perfume, growing them is pure science.

When growers cultivate these, they must know what makes them grow and what makes them flower, because those are the Gardenias that will fly off the shelves. You can use what they know to become a better Gardenia Gardener.

There is a report that some scientists put out on the study of gardenia plants it is called, "Flower Initiaition and development in gardenia plants as affected by photoperiod and night temperature." What scientists E. P. Makridou and A. S. Economou did was expose Gardenias just like yours to different daylengths: eight, 12 and sixteen hour days, for four weeks. Then they took all the Gardenias and exposed them to sixteen hours of daylight for four more weeks. Which Gardenias do you suppose had the most flowers?

The ones that began with eight hours of light, the ones with 12 hours of light Or the ones with 1sixteen hours of light? Turns out that the Gardenias that had the shorter days, and then switched to longer days, had the most flowers of all. The researchers concluded that 'short photoperiods promote flower bud initiation in Gardenia plants. But that's not all! They did another experiment.

This time, they exposed all their Gardenias to eight-hour days for four weeks and then split them up into three groups. These pots were now grown under different daylenghts eight, 12 and sixteen hours long. Guess the results for this experiment. Did changes in day length affect flowering? Answer: The ones that had long days for a full eight weeks and the days that were sixteen hours long flowered quickest. Then they did another test!

They wanted to know if night temperatures would have any effect on Gardenias. So they grew them all with eight hours of daylight and set the thermostat at 75 degrees F. When the lights went out, they lowered the temperature to while the night temperatures were kept at 55, 65 and 75 degrees F.

They did this for four weeks. Then they chaned the night temperature. All Gardenias were now spending their nights in a 65-degree F room. They did this for four weeks. And they tried several other combinations of temperatures as well, all with the same eight hour day length.

Results: Gardenias flowered earliest when exposed to days and nights of 75 degrees F. All the Gardenias flowered. There was no other effect observed on the number of flowers. So if you want to use this research, you would want to give your Gardenia only eight hours of daylight for four weeks. Then you would make the day longer. You would give it sixteen hours of daylight. This Gardenia would have constant temperatures of 75 degrees F the whole time. And you would have Gardenias coming out of your ears.

If you put your Gardenia outside, you know it's going to get Aphids. But this is not a problem! Because you are going to run down to the Garden Center and pick up a nice big container of Ladybugs. Spray them with Sprite before you put them down. That will keep them from flying away. Sprinkle them around your Gardenia, in the middle of your Garden. If you have Roses, you can put them in the same area, and the Ladybugs will run around your garden hunting for Aphids, Mealybugs, Beetle larvae, ants, all kinds of insects you never knew you had.

No fuss, no muss. And you can get up close and personal with your Gardenia, you can eat your Gardenia, and there will be nothing poisonous there to make you sick. I love that most of all. If you keep your Gardenia potted, it will most certainly dry out very quickly. Growing one of these is not like growing them indoors. The great outdoors is full of surprises, and these Gardenias do not take dry soil kindly. Watch it very carefully if you do that. I do believe however the fresh air is good for everyone after a winter indoors.

They'll study that someday, but for now, it's my personal theory. Remember that humidity is always important for these plants, that a low pH is their comfort zone, and that when moving anything to a full sun exposure you should do it gradually to give leaves time to adjust their chlorophyll. If not then as I have said go to your local nursery and talk to them about your gardenia or you can go on the internet and do a search for gardenia and see what you come up with.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for offers same day flower delivery within the US and Canada, as well as fast worldwide delivery to international destinations. Start here to search by "Occasion": Blog92441
Jean Claude Blog37215

How To Get The Best Holiday Flights

You can save plenty of cash on holiday flights by agreeing to split your flight into stopovers or layovers. When you decide to consent to this, you ought to know that it will take you much longer to get home and back, but you will have a much improved chance of securing public holiday flights at a cheaper rate. Look online, talk to a travel agent or better still a few travel agents, and call the airlines directly. Tell them your destination, date of arrival and departure, and how many places you require. Ask them to attain the top deal they can for your holiday flights.

Don't forget to hunt through every online travel site for the best deal. Take some time to hit upon the best deal by not buying the first tariff you see. Holiday flights are difficult to get at an advantageous price, but it is achievable. At all times please remember to read the fine print. Many discount sites offer huge deals, but if something happens and you can't go for whatever reason, these particular holiday flights usually are non refundable.

You can also save big money on holiday flights by keeping your flight dates open. If you are keen to take off a day early or later than you intended, it may be feasible to obtain cheaper holiday flights. Flexibility is always the key to saving money when it comes to airfare. A good place to look is Lastminute or Cheapflights these often have very good deals which would suit most peoples pockets. If you feel that you also might need a car when you get there are usually numerous amounts to choose from, including one way rentals and pickups from all major American airports.

Remember that holiday flights are frequently over booked, so make sure you confirm your journey with the airline twenty-four hours in advance, and turn up well before time for your flight, and check-in immediately. If someone needs to be unfortunately knocked of the list from an overbooked flight, they will first look to see who has still to turn up and check-in. You don't wish for this to be you.

The airport will be demanding and taxing around holiday flights, so bring your patience with you when you arrive. Give yourself adequate time to get all the way through the airport, get through security, and arrive at your gate as early on as possible. If you have kids, you may be asked to board the aircraft first.

Search around, remain flexible, and you will take the financial hurt and pressure out of holiday flights. The important thing is that you get home, even if it takes you a little longer and you have to take a diversion. The main thing is that you make sure that everything is done well in advance and planned properly if you manage to do this, you will not only save plenty of money but have a much better enjoyable holiday once you get there, so don't panic, just plan correctly.

Mitch Hampson is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Discount Travel Deals so if you would like more information on this subject please checkout his website at Blog57399
Jessica Blog63216

IPod Nano Accessories - Must Have Gadgets

Apple's iPod Nanos can give you 2000 songs right at your fingertips and with all the iPod Nano accessories available you can expand its capabilities greatly. With some of the convenient cases available the miniature player fits easily in your pocket or armband. Numerous people realize that the simplified access to the music on the tiny player as an easy and viable method to enjoy their music.

It is to your benefit if you have high quality headphones when listening to your iPod. Headphones such as MacAlly's mTune-N are an excellent choice and it works with a dock for the iPod Nano. But with this device the iPod is already docked to the headphones so you do not really have to deal with wires or cables. This particular iPod Nano accessory gives you the ability to connect your player into a built in slot for your Nano. They are somewhat larger however.

Most iPod accessory manufacturers produce small forms of headphones depending on what suits you and your ears. The first that comes to mind would be the iPod Nano accessory that is the case. The manufacturers of the iPod Nano accessories that specialize in cases provide a numerous choice of styles for your use.

Protective Cases - Thick or Thin

Some are within thin sheaths that fit over your iPod kind of like a second skin and other types are solid cases. A manufacturer called iJacket makes a great case for the small iPod. The plastic that they use is thicker and therefore makes it more resilient. It has a small opening for the Click Wheel and a large opening for the screen. Retailing at about $16 for the iJacket case protects your player from rough handling or accidental bumps.

Additional accessory manufacturers who specialize in cases include XtremeMac makers of Iconz. They have licensed with other companies to put characters on their covers such as ScoobyDoo, SpongeBob, and Batman. Marware, Speck, Pacific Design and the BeatBuckle are some other iPod Nano case accessory manufacturers.

Because of the versatility of the iPod Nano you may have other accessory needs. An additional iPod Nano accessory is the iTrip FM transmitter. This give you the ability to listen to your iPod from any FM radio. You can choose any station for the single. You can recharge your player with the Griffin Power Duo. It has both AC chargers and a car charger.

If you want to bring your personal library home Apple has an iPod AV accessory that gives you the ability to hook up your iPod to your home entertainment system. Additionally there are docking systems available that will give your iPod the ability to turn it into its own music system for your entire home to enjoy.

There are numerous suppliers that support the iPod and bring out new cases and other accessories for your player. With so much choice it is very likely you will be pleased with all the choices you will have.

Korbin Newlyn is an avid follower in the electronics field. You can find more of his insights at and at Blog32981
Fiacre Blog72079

Automation - The Key to Success Online

If you've been looking into selling products online then you've probably heard some "expert" somewhere recommend that you create a web site that is fully automated and helps you make money 24 hours a day. While that might sound great, what they often forget to tell you is HOW to do that.

Well, I'm going to tell you right now, in this article!

First, what IS a Fully Automated Web Site? A Fully Automated Web Site can be defined as one that is equipped with an integrated suite of both e-commerce and internet marketing tools in a fashion that will allow you to be the most profitable with the least amount of effort.

Most e-commerce systems are equipped with the following essentials:

- A shopping cart.
- Acceptance and processing of credit cards.
- A maintenance system that allows you to add/change products.
- An order-retrieval system that enables you to fulfill orders.

However, what most of them are lacking are marketing tools. If your website hits it big and you don't have the proper tools in place, then you will be a slave to e-mail and order processing. I'm sure that's not what you intended.

There are several marketing strategies that are essential in the creation of a successful e-commerce web site:

- Email marketing (broadcasting) of prospects/customers
- Effective use of autoresponders (generate automatic email messages)
- Online Newsletter
- Online Form / Survey to capture your prospect's email address
- Electronic Product Delivery (if you sold a digital product)
- Advertisement (Ad) Tracking
- Back End Sales
- Affiliate program

Now, if you had a system that would support the integration of ALL of these marketing tools in addition to the necessary e-commerce essentials, then you would have a Fully Automated Web Site. After all, it has been shown that it often takes 7 or more ad exposures before prospective customers actually make a purchase. Consider the following scenario:

A prospect clicks on an advertisement in an online magazine.

This action increments a counter for this particular ad to help you determine how well its working. They dont decide to buy as of yet but join your newsletter. They are now considered a prospect. You begin to send them a monthly email newsletter. Additionally, an autoresponder kicks in to thank them for joining the newsletter as well as scheduling them to get email twice a month for the next 90 days reiterating your product benefits and inviting them to purchase.

Upon sending them one of your "juicy" offers that they couldn't refuse, they finally purchase. They will automatically be removed from your prospect list and added to your customer list.

Based on the particular product or service theyve purchased, they will receive a series of emails every two weeks for the next 6 months offering complementary products.

This will be the engine that will drive your back end sales and keep your customers coming back to your web site.

Being able to play out a scenario such as this using one integrated system would be pretty impressive dont you think?

The internet big boys do this with expensive e-commerce platform suites produced by vendors such as IBM, Microsoft and Oracle.

Having your system automatically perform these follow up tasks frees you up to spend more time on your business, your health or your family!

=====> What can you do to create a fully automated web site?

Fortunately, there are ways that you can automate your website in much the same way that the big boys do. The best and most cost-effective way would be to sign up with one of the handful of Application Service Providers available on the internet which provide a shopping cart integrated with a full suite of marketing tools. Normally, the shopping cart and tools are very flexible and can be incorporated into any website.

=====> Are there any other ways to automate your business besides working with a total solution provider?

You can accomplish some level of automation without an integrated shopping cart system, however, it will require manual intervention and of course it would be incomplete. I believe that the most important asset of your e-commerce business is your email lists. Therefore, concentrate on the implementation of a good autoresponder/list server system to "enhance" your present e-commerce website. There are several good ones on the market.

Look for providers that allow you to:

- Create multiple lists.
- Add prospects via a web form, email, or manually through a management console.
- Send out an unlimited number of autoresponder messages.
- Send out an unlimited number of email broadcasts.
- Set up and distribute a newsletter.

When setting up your autoresponder system, create one list for your "prospects" and another one for your "customers". Now, here's where you come in: when a person orders your product, you will have to perform the extra task of logging into your autoresponder system and manually remove them from the prospect list and add them to the customer list. This action will then trigger your customer autoresponder series of messages to be sent.

Remember, the key to building a successful e-commerce web site is to automate your marketing engine as much as possible and drive your prospects and customers back to your web site. This will certainly create a money magnet e-commerce web site for you!

© Izzy Camacho


To learn more about website automation and to download the complimentary ebook, "Easy Ezine Marketing", visit Izzy Camacho at

Izzy Camacho is an accomplished software developer with approximately 20 years of experience. He has a degree in computer science from a distinguished university. For the last several years he has been involved in the creation of web site applications for corporate America.Keely Blog43914
Macintosh Blog63806

Get Your Business Secured With Bad Credit Loans

Getting fund through business might be easy but what about funding for a business? Running a business requires constant financing from you at its every stage. Even a slightest financial delay or interruption might hamper the growth of your business considerably. So it becomes quite challenging to carry on business when your financial situations are not favourable and you start searching for other sources. Such a source of economic help for your business during your financial hardships is bad credit secured business loans. They are the best method to avoid any kind of financial crisis with your enterprise.

To give your business a financial backup and support, secured business loans are available to all bad credit holders. Now if you have defaults, arrears, CCJs, or poor credit score in your present account business, your business will not be affected by that. If you want to start a new business, you can avail bad credit secured business loan with interest rates and repayments suiting your financial situations. With this, you also get a chance to improve your past credit record.

To avail a bad credit secured loans, you are required to place collateral in form of any valuable property as a security against the loan amount. With this loan you can borrow amount ranging from 50000 to 1000000 which can be extended also. Being a secured loan it offers a longer repayment period of 3 to 25 years. However the repayment term and the interest rates also depend upon the lender, his terms and conditions and your financial circumstances.

Applying for business loans is an easy process. You simply have to go online where you will find numerous lenders offering secured loans for individuals having bad credit.

While applying for a bad credit secured business loan, you need to have with you certain important documents. If you have an existing business you will have to show your business profile and the nature and length of business ownership is to be mentioned. In case you are applying for a new business, you will have to discuss about your business venture, and how the business would be successful enough to repay the loan later. In order to improve your chances of getting secured bad credit loan for your business easily and cheaply, you can show your lender your previous earnings and also your future potentiality of repaying the loan amount. Along with these necessary details, you will also be asked to give some personal information about you and your financial status.

After the lender becomes satisfied with all your details, he will process your bad credit secured loan application for the approval. Secured loan can help you and your business grow with proper financial support. Apart from that secured business loan also helps in fast recovery of your firm after suffering from huge losses by its bad credit options. Bad credit business loans will promote your business and provide you with opportunity to raise money and thrive your business.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at Badcreditsecuredloan with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find bad credit secured loans, secured loan, bad credit secured personal loan,bad credit homeowner loan, bad credit loan, cheap secured loan UK that best suits your need visit http://www.badcreditsecuredloan.netCyrille Blog59165
Justine Blog84208

Life in Panama

The combination of incredible natural beauty, pleasant moderate climates as well as access to international markets and the quality and low cost of the labor force, make Panama an ideal place to live. You can drive from a modern, bustling urban environment to a rain forest teeming with animal and plant life in as little as an hour.


Full country name: Republic of Panama
Area: 78,000 sq km (30,420 sq mi)
Population: 3 million (July 2005) (growth rate 1.3%)
Capital city: Panama City (pop 700,000)
70% mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white)
14% Amerindian and mixed (West Indian)
10% White
6% Amerindian
Indian languages
85% Roman Catholic
10% Protestant
5% Islamic
Government: Constitutional republic
President: Martin Torrijos
GDP: US$8.8 billion
GDP per head: US$3200
Annual growth: 4.1%
Inflation: 1.1%
Exports: $5.699 billion f.o.b. (includes the Colon Free Zone) (2004 est.)
Exports - commodities: bananas, shrimp, sugar, coffee, clothing (1999)
Exports - partners: US 50.5%, Sweden 6.6%, Spain 5.1%, Netherlands 4.4%, Costa Rica 4.2% (2004)
Imports: $7.164 billion f.o.b. (includes the Colon Free Zone) (2004 est.)
Imports - commodities: capital goods, foodstuffs, consumer goods, chemicals
Imports - partners: US 33.3%, Netherlands Antilles 8.1%, Japan 6%, Costa Rica 5.7%, Mexico 4.6%, Colombia 4.2% (2004)

Panama's Economy

Three-fourths of Panama's GDP relies on an economy based primarily on well-developed services sector. Services include the Panama Canal, banking, the Colon Free Zone, insurance, container ports, flagship registry, and tourism. Panama's economy has positive and sustained growth due to economic stability in the last few years, including an inflation level that is among the lowest in the world, and a per capita income that is among the highest in Latin America.

During the last 15 years, income from international tourism in the Republic of Panama has grown 1.5 times faster than the national GDP, and there is no indication that it will decrease. For the year 2005, tourism has contributed between 15% and 20% to the national economy. Panama has 1,398 tourist attractions of which 70%, are natural sites and 30% are cultural and historical sites.

For more information, please visit:

Jean Bouttet is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Jessica Blog42627
Emilie Blog69032

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Latium Region

Latium is located in the central western part of Italy on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. It includes the Apennines mountains, fertile foothills and valleys. There are four groups of ancient volcanoes, each with crater lakes. This area was once the center of the world, and remains an international center of art, politics, religion, and trade. Its population is 5.2 million, making it the third most populous region of Italy.

Latium, also called Lazio, was settled by Indo-European tribes during the 2nd millennium B. C. Later it became Etruscran. When the Etruscans were driven out by the Romans, the area became impoverished and remained so for centuries.

Food abounds, you name it and its probably grown in the region. The regions most special vegetable is the artichoke. It may surprise you to learn that Latium is a center of kiwi production. It is also known for seafood, fish, and shark. Meat raised here includes beef, lamb, pork, and veal. The regions most famous cheese is Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, Mozzarella made from the milk of water buffalo. According to the popular local legend, Julius Caesar sent Marc Anthony to Egypt, where he fell in love with Cleopatra and this cheese. He sent water buffalo back home and local residents have been enjoying this Mozzarella ever since. Whether or not this legend is true, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana cheese has been popular for centuries. Latium once produced Falernian, which was considered the best wine in the Classical World.

Latiums major city is Rome, the capital of Italy. As the Italian writer Silvio Negro said, Roma, non basta una vita, Rome, a lifetime is not enough. Ancient Rome was a center of wine production and of amprhorae, clay wine jugs. The area still produces wine. A short Internet search revealed an 18th Century villa for rent 35 minutes from the heart of Rome, surrounded by 30 acres of vineyards and olive groves.

Latium devotes three hundred thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 7th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 78 million gallons, also giving it a 7th place. About 16% of the wine production is red or ros, leaving 84% for white. The region produces 25 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine. Only 6.5% of Latium wine carries the DOC designation. Latium is home to three dozen major and secondary grape varieties, half white and half red.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Malvasia, Chardonnay, Trebbiano, and. Sauvignon Blanc. The best known strictly Italian white varieties are subvarieties of Trebbiano, the yellow Trebbiano Giallo, the green Trebbiano Verde, and Trebbiano Toscano.

Widely grown international red grape varieties include Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon. and Merlot. The best known strictly Italian red variety is Cesane. Also popular is Sangiovese, an Italian grape now found elsewhere including in California.

Before we reviewing the Latium wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Spaghetti alla Carbonara, Spaghetti with Cream, Pancetta (Italian bacon), and Egg.

Then try Luccio Brodettato alla Romana, Pike in an Egg-Lemon Sauce.

For dessert indulge yourself with Pizza di Polenta e Ricotta, not a pizza, but Sweet Polenta Ricotta Cake.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Tenuta Gasperini Vigneti VillaFranca Castelli Romani Rosso DOC 2002 13.5% alcohol about $13

This wine was produced about 20 kilometers south of Rome. It is a 50/50 blend of Sangiovese and Montepulciano, two popular Italian red varieties. I found it a bit acidic and relatively tasteless at first. I tried it with kube also called kibbe, a Middle-Eastern specialty, balls of ground rice filled with ground meat. They were cooked overnight with potatoes in a somewhat spicy tomato sauce. The wine tasted a bit of cherries and tobacco. In a meal of chicken burgers and zucchini in a bland tomato and onion sauce, the tobacco taste was stronger than previously. The marketing materials for this wine mentioned raspberry, plum jam, leather, sweet spice, and tomato leaf. When looking for them I found plum jam and leather, but not the other elements. The distributor recommends this wine with baked pasta or veal medallions in a red wine sauce. Maybe.

Pecorino Toscano is a sheeps milk cheese made in Tuscany and neighboring Umbria for thousands of years. It is also produced in Latium. Soft Pecorino Toscano is white with a tinge of yellow, while semi-hard Pecorino Toscano is pale yellow. This cheese is moderately strong smelling and has a complex nutty flavor. I tried this wine with sliced soft Pecorino Toscano on toast with a somewhat spicy Moroccan tomato and pimento based dip. The flavors blended well, and the wine wasnt thin. However, in the final analysis I would not buy this wine again. It seems overpriced and cannot compete with many other wines that I have tasted in this series.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is You can reach him at Blog24786
Jean Michel Blog58256

Property Makes Financing Cheaper- Low Rate Secured Loan

In todays world money is everything. Dreams of a person will remain as it is, if they are not supported by sufficient finances. Some may desire of owning their house and few may need finance in order to meet their immediate expenses. The most common problem faced by people is that they are not able to meet their expenses through their regular paycheque. They require an additional source of funds. And the most appropriate and cheap way is low rate secured loan.

It is generally seen the criterion of loan into which the borrower looks is the low rate of interest and longer repayment period. And, fortunately these two are the basic characteristics of low rate secured loan.

In low rate secured loan it is an obligation for a person to place collateral. Collateral can be in the form of a house, or any other asset. High value or high equity in the collateral, let the person to avail higher amount and with low rate of interest. Equity can be defined as the value obtained by subtracting the debts (previous if any, taken on the asset) from the market value of the asset. The person can borrow up to 125% of equity in the asset. But it may vary from lender to lender.

Interest rate and the repayment period vary from person to person. But, in general it varies from 3 to 25 years depending upon the loan amount.

Usually, any person can avail low rate secured loan either with poor credit score or good credit score. But this doesnt mean that they are on same level. Rather, having a good credit score has its own advantages such as low interest rate as compared to the interest offered to person with poor credit score.

Market is full of lenders offering secured loans such as debt consolidation loan, business loan, wedding loan and many more. It totally depends on the choice and need of the borrower as for which purpose he needs funds.

There is also a need to hunt for the lenders offering low rate secured loan in order to get the competitive rate of interest. Every person wants that he must get the best loan so, for this purpose he will be required to take certain steps. They are:

Consider all the terms and conditions

Consult credit advisor

Be sure that lender is reputable

No hidden cost involved

Last but not least consider your affordability

Remember, a single step in wrong direction will lead the person in a sea of debts.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the Secured loan web site loans fiesta. For any type of loans, low rate Secured Loans, Cash Loans, Personal loans, Secured Debt Consolidation Loans in UK please visit Blog21292
Inconnue Blog41954

A Closer Look at the Free Google Pages Service

It is now about several months ago that Google announced its new Service (currently in Beta) with the name "Google Pages" or "Google Page Creator" (Url:

It is intended to give average people and internet newbie's the ability to create a website via a free and easy to use tool. Blogs became main stream over a year ago and proved to be so easy to use, that virtually anybody was able to start one and publish content without the need to take some internet 101 or Web Development classes.

Google Pages is geared toward the same audience. The difference between Blogs and Google Pages is, that Blogs are meant to be a "Journal" to publish recent News and Events and not permanent content such as a Family History or "About Me" pages. Google Pages tries to fulfill this need.

The high demand for the new Service forced Google to disable the creation of new Google Pages accounts only a short time after they announced it. New Accounts are only available by invitation only. Only recently did Google add the Google Pages Service to their service "Google for your Domain" making it a low budget (actually no-budget, because it is free) solutions for people that own a domain and want only get a few pages up on the internet.

I was playing around with the Service to find out how far it developed, what you can do with it and what not. This article is a brief review of the current features and shortcomings of the service. You can visit my Google Pages Test Pages at the web adress " " to get an Idea how Pages created by this new Service can look like.

The Basic Layout The first choice the user has to make is which of the 4 pre-defined Layouts and 41 pre-defined Designs he wants to use for his pages. There is no option to change a design or layout to custom needs which really limit the possibilities to create unique looking pages severely.

The Google Pages Team did obviously not study how Blogger is solving this problem in an elegant way by providing the selection of templates with the ability to tweak it afterwards by more experienced users. Blogger is also owned by Google. I recommend that the Google Pages Team meets with the Blogger Team to discuss synergies and learn from the years of experiences the Blogger Team already has with this problem.

The WYSIWYG Editor The intuitive WYSIWYG Editor is overall very easy to use, but rather limited in options. Only 6 Fonts are available: Arial, Verdana,Times New Roman, Courier New, Georgia and Trebuchet; 4 Font Sizes: small, normal, large and huge; 70 fix Colors; H1, H2 and H3 Head Lines; Unsorted List (ul); Bold or Italic font formatting (no underline, superscript or strike through); Link to other Page, File, Email or External Link; Alignment of Content: left, right and center; Image (must be uploaded) with 4 fix size options: small, medium, large and original size.

There is the option to edit the HTML Code which you need to fall back to when it comes to creating "Tables" or using additional HTML Syntax not provided by the Editor like "hr", sorted list, the mentioned font formatting or specific colors not available in the list of the 70 predefined ones.

What I also miss is a simple build-in spell checker. The Google Toolbar has one build-in and there are various free solutions out there as well, such as the Lingucomponent Project from Open Office (

The Page and Image Management The Management of the individual Pages is easy. Google Pages refers to Pages by what you use in the predefined "Title" area of a page. So far so good, but there is an issue when it comes to the Page Name used for the URL. The Initial Title specified for a new Page is used for the Page "File name" and can not be changed afterwards.

The Google Pages URL Syntax is "" (starting with http). Make sure that you give a new Page a title that reflects the wanted "File Name" and change the Title of the Page to its real Title afterwards. The Inability to rename a Page renders the "copy page" feature more or less obsolete. The copy of the original page is simply named "originalpagefilenameX" with X being a number starting with 2 for the first copy.

Accessing the uploaded Images and deleting them is simple. The user must be careful though, because there is no indicator if an Image is used in a "published" = live page or not. Deleting a used image creates a broken Image on the public site.

"Static" Content is not an option If you would like to have the same content for certain areas on all your pages, such as a Footer or Main Navigation you have a problem which can only be solved by cumbersome manual labor.

You can not incorporate anything to your Site Template. This means that you have to recreate the static content for every page manually. If something changes, you have no choice but must update every single page of your site manually one by one.

This is a major shortcoming that practically causes users to be inconsistent with the overall look and usability of their site.

No JavaScript or iFrames JavaScript and iFrames are forbidden to be used in your Pages. If you add the Code manually, it's getting removed by the Page Creator automatically. This includes inline and external JavaScript

This means, that you can not add most of the common types of Advertisement to your pages to monetize the site including Google AdSense Ads, Amazon Product Ads, Linkshare DRMs or Chitika Ads.

You can also not use any JavaScript to improve site usability.

General Tools are simply absent Google Pages does not offer any type of tools to extend the features of the site beyond a small collection of static HTML Pages with a little bit of content.

The ability to place AdSense Ads on those Pages should be of high interest by Google since it allows them to increase their Advertising Revenue. Any build in function to place AdSense Ads somewhere into Google Pages is not in sight anywhere. I assume that this will be coming at one point because Google Pages is simply perfect for Google AdSense.

The ability to create any type of Forms or in general ANY interactive content does not exist, which severely limits the use of Google Pages. This is something the Google Pages team should work on.

Providing features like a contact form that integrates with Google GMail, the publishing of Feeds from Google Reader or the Integration of Google Maps and Google News would be perfect for Google Pages. Google Analytics can't be added to the Pages as well.

Indexing of Google Pages by Google Search Google automatically adds Google Pages to the content to be crawled by its Web Crawler and seem to be indexed well what does not surprise me since they know exactly how those pages are layed out and structured. This is a free bonus and might be reason enough for some to use the Tool.

Conclusion Google Pages is surely for a good reason still in Beta Status and will probably remain in that Status for quite a while. The existing features have a lot of flaws and also a lot of very important features are missing all together.

Google Pages does also not interface with any other existing Google Service although Google Pages is a perfect candidate to exploit and showcase a wide variety of existing Google Services (live and beta ones). Google has still a long way to go with this service to provide a useful tool for the general public.

I see its use today as a place where you can create some static pages with content to link to from your blog at Blogger or other Blogging Services. It is certainly not enough for most people to create their complete Homepage/Presence on the Internet via Google Pages.

It might also be an alternative for some Geocities Users since Google Pages does not show any 3rd Part advertisement anywhere on the pages.

Carsten Cumbrowski is an Internet Marketer and Web Developer with over 7 years experience in Web Development and over 20 years experience in Development in General. He operates an Internet Marketing and Web Development Resources Site at Blog88673
Harold Blog12901

Online Dating In The UK

Online dating in the UK has gotten very popular in the last few years. The most in demand UK online dating service now has over 3 million members. The singles come from every major city in the UK so anyone has the opportunity of find romance by starting a relationship online.

The UK is a tiny island compared to America so 3 million singles using the same online dating service is a high concentration of people. Everybody who uses these services should have plenty of singles living within a few miles of themselves. And if you live in a city you will be spoilt for choice.

It doesn't take long to out grow the bar and club scene so more UK singles are turning to online dating to find their ideal partner. It saves you a lot more money as well if your goal of going out is to try and start a meaningful relationship with someone you meet.

Another advantage with dating online is you're not trying to get to know someone who's had too much to drink. How many singles wake up on a weekend and regret what's happened the night before? And it was all because of too many drinks. Online dating lets you start enjoying your nights out again instead of focusing on getting a date for the following weekend.

Why limit your choice of partners to one night club when you can put your profile in front of thousands of potential dates. And they're all their looking for someone as well. You don't have to guess if someone is single because they all are.

There are plenty of UK online dating services to choose from so finding the most popular and user friendly is the first thing you need for a good start. Once you have read a few online reviews you should be able to narrow your choice down, and start looking for love and friendship.

Once you have chosen your dating web site all you need to do is register an account, and create your online dating profile. This is probably the most difficult part, and it doesn't take that long at all. Taking a bit more time on this than 90% of other UK singles will give you a much better chance of being contacted by another single. You don't want to rush your profile, and leave it empty otherwise it will just get ignored. The more UK singles that contact you will increase your chances of success at starting a relationship.

Online dating in the UK starts of with some sort of free trial. Some dating agencies will let you use more features than others during this period. And other web sites will let you use them for a longer time period. This is where you can see if you get on with the dating web site, and find out if their are enough singles living near you using the service.

Once you have found the online dating web site that will give you results all you will need to do is upgrade your membership and start contacting other UK singles. For the price of an online dating membership it will be worth it. You want to get that special single's attention, and start a relationship before someone else does.

For UK online dating reviews, and advice for a better quality online dating experience visit -

Jason King is the webmaster for The online dating reviews. Blog8240
Kayla Blog78885

5 Secrets to Studying Abroad in France

If studying abroad is wonderful then studying abroad in France is wondrous.

Here are some treasures on how to best explore one of the most beautiful countries on earth in between all of those pesky tests and papers...

1. Dont bring anything that might have to be dry cleaned! You will find doing your laundry in a Laundromat quite expensive compared to the States, the prices for dry cleaning are astronomical, as its still not a very common practice. Should you discover a red wine stain on your favorite dry clean only shirt that made its way into your suitcase against better advise, look for a Pressing or Blachisserie and ask for a nettoyage sec (TIP: Before forking over for a dry cleaning bill, the best way to get a red wine stain out of clothes is by pouring its friend white wine all over it, honest!)

2. Because the water in France is a lot softer than in the States, your hair and skin may not feel as clean even after washing. For this reason, its best not to bring your own products from home, but to buy products here that are specially adapted and produced according to the minerals in the water. You can go to any of the beauty supply stores and talk to a sales lady about it and they can direct you to a product thats right for you.

3. For a truly interesting movie going experience in Paris, be sure to visit La Pagode. The manager of the store Bon March imported a real pagoda from Japan for his wife to use as a ballroom! Unfortunately they soon divorced, and it was turned into a movie theater that makes for a brilliant experiencebe sure to ask for the salle japonaise. (57 rue de Babylone 75007)

4. When headed to the cinema, the matinees are always cheapest. But pay attention to the rules of each movie house, because in some this may be any film played before noon, but in others it may just be the first film of the day. Many theaters also have reduced ticket prices on Mondays and Wednesdays. (TIP: Be sure the film is in VO, version originale, played in English with subtitles and not dubbed over in French, VF!)

5. If you are studying abroad in Nice, be sure to visit one of the few internet cafs in the city, located at 8 Rue Vincent, just at the corner of Rue Pontin in the Old Town. They have wi-fi and cable TV, great food and snack, and Happy Hour for drinks starting at 5 pm. Plus its run by a lovely Englishman who has been living in Nice for over 15 years, and is a great resource on where to go and what to do in the city.

Kevin Browne studied in Strassbourg, France while attending Holy Cross College. Kevin is the founder of TravelGuy! which shares intricate local French knowledge with students looking to study abroad in France in the hopes that they will fully take advantage of their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Kevin Browne studied in Strasbourg, France while attending Holy Cross College.Florentin Blog86669
Juin Blog48982

Registering Domain Names and Hosting

There are currently over 70 million registered Internet domain names across the globe according to Web Host Industry Review.

Jim Croce's famous song "I got A Name" may one day need to be changed to "I got a Cheap Domain Name" if current Internet growth rates remain the same. Today there are over 70 million registered Internet domain names across the globe.

While more and more businesses are taking advantage of the innovation and power offered by the Internet by registering domain names, an equal number of individual users are registering domain names as well. In fact, with the Internet becoming such an ubiquitous part of everyday life and commerce, one can imagine a day when every individual and every corporation will have domain names and hosting just as they do a social security number or corporate tax ID.

Cheap Domain name registration is on the rise as a result of the growing online community and more affordable domain names and hosting, and online services marketed and offered by companies such as the World's Largest Registrar - According to the most recent Verisign reports, 8.5 million new domains registered were registered in the 3rd quarter of 2005, a 33% increase from 3rd quarter 2004 and a 94% increase from 3rd quarter 2003. Internet use worldwide reached the landmark number of 1 billion users in the 3rd quarter of 2005.

While some may have the perception that all the good cheap domain names are gone, the reality is that what we are seeing today is only the frost on the tip of the iceberg. It's still very much a buyer's market as far as online real estate goes. Years from now, those who have purchased and registered cheap domain names today - whether for business or personal use -- will look back at this time period as a golden opportunity to acquire the cheapest domain names of their choice and put their e-stake in the ground.

Part of the growth in cheap domain names is being fueled by small businesses such as an independent local grocer or dry cleaner that, by effectively establishing a presence on the Internet today, are building a foundation for their future while expanding their business reach and competing as never before. Companies like, who provide the full spectrum of cheap domain names and hosting services, enable small businesses to establish a powerful site quickly and more affordably than ever.

ICANN, now performing the functions of previously U.S. government contracted entities, is responsible for Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name system management, and root server system management functions.

Recently, the World's Largest Registrar - announced that it, too, had been named a Gold Certified member of the Microsoft Partner Program. Go Daddy provides a range of Microsoft-based hosting solutions, including three different shared hosting plans and several options for dedicated and virtual servers.

Sinta Makah is a Full Time Adsense Publisher and She Makes her living from Adsense. She is passionate about sharing her Adsense Knowledge and about generating online income:Baudouin Blog9137
Estelle Blog70815

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Top 5 Reasons To Use Self Storage

Chances are that there is a self storage facility in your town, if not more than more one. Everyone can use more space in their homes and offices and millions of people find self storage to be a great solution. Here are some of the top reasons consumers and businesses choose to utilize these facilities.

1. Convenience: Self storage facilities are located within 3 minutes or less of 80% of the U.S. population. That means you can get to your unit quickly and take care of your business quickly.

2. Flexibility: Self storage units are used to store a variety of belongings including personal storage, business storage, records storage, etc. The terms are also flexible. Most operators require only a month to month commitment. When you no longer need the service, you can exit without long term commitments.

3. Price: Self storage is an inexpensive way to address your extra space needs. The average size unit (approximately 10 feet wide by 10 feet deep) costs approximately $65 per month (national average). Since self storage comes in a variety of small and large sizes, you only pay for the space you actually need and use.

4. Privacy: You control access to your space. You use your own lock and no one has access to the unit except those people you authorize.

5. Coordination: Self storage is increasingly an integrated service. More and more facilities are offering truck rentals (sometimes either at a discount or free), moving supplies, mail boxes and a whole host of other products and services so that you can coordinate all your needs from one location.

If you find your home or office is overloaded, take a short drive to the local self storage facility and see what they have to offer. Like millions of others, you could find this to be a cost effective solution to gaining more space and even take advantage of the additional services that many offer.

This article was written by Daniel Myers, owner of Store It All Storage, which operates 17 self storage locations across the US and Costa Rica. For more information visit Blog87572
Kitty Blog84066

Who's Your Mentor?

Whenever we undertake a new venture, be it coaching basketball, some kind of business startup, a hobby or whateverwe usually need help.

Help could come in as simple a form as a brochure, but if were really starting something that is taking us into our own unchartered waters, we will be better served having a guide, rather than trying to figure out how to do whatever it is were trying to attempt.

Henry Ford, in running his company, had a bank of buttons on his desk. When he needed advice on accounting, he pressed a button to call in his accounting guru. For engineering, he pressed another button. Henry Ford was successful, in part at least, because he knew that he couldnt know and do it all by himself. He kept a stable of mentors-gurus who were knowledgeable in areas where he wasnt.

Most of us dont have the luxury of having gurus at our beck-and-call. However, in this computer age, we are closer to being able to reach out for a mentor, anywhere in the world we may be, and anywhere in the world a mentor might be.

We can go one-on-one with someone who knows what we want to know without ever leaving our home.

I was in a group with a financial mentor who told us to, find someone who has what we want, do what they did, to get what they got. Ill admit, I tried that, but didnt get quite the results Id aspired to, however I learned a lot. This method works for some highly dedicated people, but most of us average folks may come up short, as I did.

Im ready to retire, and want to have a renewable income source to keep me financially secure for the rest of my life. I decided to take everything Id been doing for more than fifty years in basketball and market it to the world.This would have been extremely difficult for me in the 70s, 80s and 90s, but now in the new millennium, I can accomplish this via the internet.

Cool. Im ready to go. Now, exactly how do I go about this? My computer knowledge and abilities are minimal. So, I got a mentor. That got me started. Now I have three mentors, and have gone through a couple of others. Because I need new information all the time, I can keep reaching out there into cyberspace to find the help I need. I ask, what do I need to do? and they tell me what to do and how to do it. Do I pay for this? Yes. Whats the alternativegoing to school for years to hopefully gain some of the knowledge they bring to me immediately, or use the trip-fumble-stumble method of trying to do it myself?

When I first started out as a basketball coach, I was a nineteen year old and college student running an after-school recreation program at an elementary school. Even though I had played basketball in high school, I was by no means qualified to teach it.

Upon graduation from college my first basketball coaching position was at the middle school level and I found quickly that I needed more education.

During those formative years of my coaching I searched for as much help as I could get and found it from some of the most talented people of that era.

In the 1960s, I fell in love with teaching basketball defense after reading a book entitled, Mosquito Defense, written by Al McGuire, Marquette Universitys coach. I used his methods of swarming defense successfully for many years, at the junior high and then at the high school levels.

I worked hard at teaching myself how to coach basketball and each season I improved, but it was a slow process.

A few years later, and with some seasoning behind me, my journey to teaching-coach moved up a notch from just reading about basketball to becoming proactive--attending clinics, seminars and camps. Among the clinicians to whom I owe much of what I know about teaching defense was Bobby Knight. This was in the 70s. Knight, at that time, was the acclaimed guru of defense. His approach to playing defense and how to teach it, was innovative and genius to this young coach from California. His man-to-man defense philosophy and techniques gave me the ability to teach individual defense and then be able to build this knowledge right into my team defense. What I learned from Coach Knight, combined with my early success with Mosquito Defense, enabled me to develop my own brand of defense and my Giant Killer defense emerged. Defense was to become my hallmark as a coach and later as an international consultant and lecturer.

These talented mentors inspired me to want to be more than just a successful high school coach. I read what they wrote; took notes on what they had to say at coaching clinics; I participated as a coach in their camps; I even took my players and my small sons to listen to them speak, to attend the camps as players, and to watch their teams practice. None of these mentors knew my name or would remember me, but they influenced my early growth in becoming the teacher of the game into which I evolved.

Now Im a basketball coaching mentor for others. Oh, certainly not like Bobby Knight, Abe Lemons, Pete Newell, or John Wooden. But, I bring my teaching DVD, e-Books, basketball coaches tutoring, monthly newsletter and more to a special niche market. My more than 50 years of basketball playing and coaching experience have been successful, by won-loss standards and in the number of coaches and players Ive helped to develop all around the world.

My focus is on the niche market where new, aspiring coaches venture into the sport without much more of a clue than a 19 year old boy in California had in getting started. I work with these newbie basketball coaches, with coaches who have some experience but are still learning, and even with more experienced coaches looking for a splinter of information which might give them the help they need to get to the next level of basketball coaching success. I work with high school players, whose goal is to play college ball,and teach position specific skills to help them be successful. My goaland my promiseto each coach or player I work with, is that I will take them to a higher level of teaching and playing than they were at when we got started together.

The role of the mentor is to teach and guide the student to a higher level of understanding and skill, no matter what the field of interest may be.

Are you looking for a higher level of success from where you are? Who is your mentor?

Coach Ronn Wyckoff has spent more than fifty years in basketball, as a player and coach. As an international consultant, his programs have reached hundreds of players and coaches around the world. In forty-plus years of coaching, he has coached from school levels to national teams, winning over 70%. Go to Blog94797
Jules Blog53197

Degree in Education Online

Are you a college student? Its true, heading off to a four year University can be a blast and a wonderful break from that high school drama. Finally, you can get that privacy from your over-bearing folks, and enjoy your very own apartment or dorm. Its all about parties and staying out late, right? Okay, well maybe not so much. I mean you did come to college for an actual education. Didnt you? Regardless of its highlights, college life can nevertheless be a great deal of work. Once youve delved into your first semester, youll certainly know what I mean. In this day and age, the concept of higher education has been taken to a whole new level. Not everyone wants the campus and party life of a young college student. Not everyone wants to search for parking places daily in order to attend classes. This is why people can now acquire a degree in education online. Yes indeed, I did say via the Internet. You have a PC or Mac, dont you?

Have you ever come across the topic degree in education online? Its actually still a fairly new one. Although many people dont know and fully understand it yet, they can achieve a valid degree in education online; completely from the comfort of your own home. Wouldnt that be choice? Lets say you are a parent that works. Now, you may or may not have the time to attend a University the old fashioned way. This is where a degree in education online comes into play. You find the college you wish to attend, and read about the degree requirements. Then its time to inquire about their degree in education online abilities. They may have that exact degree youre looking for, but with online courses. This allows you to continue casually with your daily regime. You can get online at will and deal with your course work. So many Universities across the nation are expanding on this innovative topic. Wow, is the world becoming convenient!

If you are striving to get a college education, but dont have the time to live the college lifestyle, then maybe its time to explore the concept of degree in education online. Once youve acquired your books and consulted with the professor, youll simply deal with the course from the comfort of your living room. Dont let life stop you from getting that education youve always wanted.

David Jones is a contributing writer at, the BEST site for finding information on degree in education online.Gildas Blog40015
Leda Blog42873

Will Georgia Bulldogs Football Tickets Ever Match The Hype?

Georgia Bulldogs football tickets are as cherished as any sports-related items in the state. The Bulldogs truly are the states preferred team, as their tradition dates back longer than their in-state sports cohorts - the Falcons, Braves, Hawks and obviously the Thrashers. Athens isnt far outside of Atlanta, and it seems that the whole state shows up for every Georgia game. Given all this support and fervor, youd think Georgia would have a dominant football team.

However, heres the deal - they dont - they have a very, very good football team, but not a dominant football team. Theyve never had a run of supremacy that the likes of USC, Nebraska, Miami and Notre Dame have all had over time. They are always highly-ranked, and it seems that theyre always in contention for the SEC title, but they havent played for or been in serious contention with the voters for a national championship in some time. Below well look at what separates Georgia from national dominance.


Georgia has a plentiful harvest of high school football talent every year, but its nowhere near the volume or level that Florida, its neighbor to the south, produces. Therefore, Georgia always faces stiff competition from nearby competitors such as Florida State, Miami and Florida, all of whom seem to load up every year with a bevy of five-star recruits.

Georgia always has a bit of trouble going into Florida recruiting, and some of their old standby states are also not panning out the way they have in the past. South Carolina, another neighbor, has basically put up a brick wall around its state boundary because of Steve Spurrier at South Carolina and Tommy Bowden at Clemson. That basically limits Georgias geographic reach with recruiting.

The Herschel Walker Syndrome

Every Bulldogs fan old enough remembers the early 1980s. Thats when one of the greatest college football players of all time, Herschel Walker, was busy tearing through opposing defenses at a breathtaking pace. Walker is perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime player, and he led the team to their last national championship as a freshman in 1980. Georgia Bulldogs football tickets were never harder to find than during the Walker era.

No player since has come close to the transcendent talent Walker brought to the field every week, and it seems as though Georgia has been searching for his replacement for more than 25 years. Unless/until another Walker comes around, and assuming Georgia signs him, Georgia may not be able to get over the top.


Although many feel that the SEC is down a bit this season, year in and year out, the SEC is one of, if not the, toughest conferences in the United States. The teams mentioned above - USC, Miami, Nebraska, etc. - usually had to win just one or two difficult games in their national championship seasons. Georgia faces a full slate of SEC teams every year, including Florida and Tennessee. Its become almost impossible to come through the SEC undefeated, which is a near-prerequisite for a shot at the national championship.


Coach Mark Richt has done everything possible to maximize Georgias potential. The Bulldogs are always prepared, always play hard and recruit as well as they can given their inherent limitations. If everything comes together for the Bulldogs in a given year, they could make a run at a national championship. However, they are not a team that appears ready to dominate the college football landscape the way their fans want them to.

Regardless, Georgia Bulldogs football tickets will always be hard to find, and they will remain a very good team for years to come - just not a dominant team any time soon.

Written by Jay Nault, sponsored by . StubHub sells Georgia Bulldogs football tickets: , sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and more to just about any event in the world.Leger Blog75620
Kirbee Blog80267

How To Use Golf Training Aids To Get Rid Of Your Slice

Whack! Arrrrrgh! The erstwhile golfer groans as the ball dives impudently to the right into trouble, despite his best efforts to guide it to the left. This all too familiar scenario is played out over and over at golf courses across the country. Many golfers are stricken with that most dreaded of golf ailments, the vicious slice.

Likewise, most golfers don't know how to fix the problem so they do the intuitive thing, which is to line up their feet and shoulders to the left of the target. This only exaggerates the slice and leads to great frustration. As if the game of golf isn't frustrating enough already without adding additional difficulties.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way. If you want to ditch the slice and improve your game, then consider adding a couple golf training aids to your practice routine. There are a large variety of training aids designed to help the average guy hit it straighter. So many, in fact, that it can be confusing finding ones that will actually help. I'll give you some tips here that will set you on the right path (pun intended) to getting rid of your slice affliction.

The first type of golf training aid you will need is a swing path device. Most slicers suffer from a nasty outside-in swing path. This means that the clubhead comes from outside the ball (away from the golfer's body) to the inside (closest to the body) at impact, cutting across the ball. This leads to both a loss of power and a tendency to slice.

To correct this problem, get a golf training aid that visually (or physically) shows you the correct path through the ball at impact, which is square to slightly inside-out. Some training aids have a foam device that the club will hit if you swing outside to in. This is great because it gives you instant feedback when you make a bad swing. Grove the inside-out swing path and you will be 90% of the way to getting rid of your slice.

The second golf training aid that can help get rid of a slice is a device to help you train the timing of your release. This is the point of the downswing at which the wrists release, snapping the club through the ball. The release point is important in generating clubhead speed at impact, and also in squaring the clubface.

If your release is late, then the clubface will be left open at impact, resulting in a fade or slice. Golf training aids for the release point are usually some type of shortened club with a device built in that 'clicks' when you release your wrists properly. This provides the instant feedback you need to time your release for impact.

Using these two types of golf training aids, swing path and release, you should straighten out your shots and add some yards as well. Good luck and happy hitting!

Mike Gelhaus, once racquetball professional and published author for Racquetball Magazine, has turned his attention back to the game of Golf. With the use of golf training aids, he achieved a handicap of 3 only weeks before back surgery. Check out his site at Blog92441
Eymard Blog13252

Fake Fireplaces

If your home doesn't have a fireplace, you can still experience warmth and ambiance with a "fake fireplace."

Less expensive and installed without invasive and costly construction, gas fireplaces or their electric or gel-fueled counterparts are preferred by many homeowners for their convenience, portability and style. These portable fireplaces also can provide an instant, decorator touch with an assortment of mantels, tools and accessories to fit any personality. And because the image of a hearth and its fireplace tools conjures feelings of comfort and security, an artificial fireplace can transform your living room into a warm gathering space whether a fire is lit or not.

Gas, electric and gel fireplaces come in an array of "surrounds" (the wood, metal or marble enclosing the firebox) from unfinished pine to Italian marble and are available for every budget. Usually offered in "straight" or corner styles, most artificial fireplaces can be placed anywhere within a room. And with Brick-Anew's complete line of fireplace accessories, you'll not only have the tools necessary to manage your new artificial fireplace, youll pull together a total new look for your living room.

Gas Fireplaces

Gas fireplaces come in two styles. Direct-vent gas fireplaces are vented through an outside wall, and vent-free or vent-less gas fireplaces require no venting at all. These fireplaces typically have ceramic "logs" that glow, and a real flame that's fueled by direct access to the home's gas line or via a hook-up to an outside tank. Gas fireplaces have one more advantagethey can be installed into an existing wood-burning fireplace, and offer convenient technology like a remote control, thermostat control, heatless setting and safety glass.

Electric Fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are convenient for their price and portability. Cheaper than gas fireplaces, homeowners can place them in any room where theres an electrical outlet. They don't require venting, usually have logs that glow rather than flames, and are fueled just by plugging it in.It has advantages for the renter, too. With its easy portability, the electric fireplace is the perfect way to create the comfort of a hearth and mantel on a smaller scale to make a temporary living space feel like home.

Gel-Fueled Fireplaces

Gel-fueled fireplaces are a growing trend. Also called portable fireplaces or vent-less fireplaces, gel fireplaces are economicalmany are available for less than $500. Gel fireplaces are fueled by small canisters of alcohol gel lit and placed behind the "logs". Also popular with renters for their small-scale heating, gel-fueled fireplaces are used primarily for ambience, and the canisters are available in a variety of scents to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Making a Fake Fireplace

The U.S. Fire Administration reported that only about 1/3 of the population actually uses fireplaces for heat, so it makes sense that many do-it-yourself web sites offer instructions for building a non-burning fireplace with simple hardware store items like pine lumber, wood glue and the like. Completely fake fireplaces that dont burn anything can still warm up a room, especially if set with Brick-Anew's fireplace candelabras. And during the holidays, where else are you to hang stockings and holiday cards if not on a mantle?

A gas, electric or gel-fueled fireplace is one solution to providing instant warmth and ambience. At Brick-Anew, we understand how a fireplace can instantly transform a cold living room into a warm, inviting, family gathering space. After all, weve been in the business of bringing families together around beautifully renovated brick fireplaces for years. And if youre thinking about purchasing an artificial fireplace, we can help pull your new look together with fireplace tools, screens or accessories.

Sam Wilhoit of provider of fireplace glass doors: . Brick-Anew has been a providor of fireplace paint & accessories since 1997. Please link to when using this article.Kerrin Blog22788
Leela Blog82142